Doppio Danesi

  • doppio_danesi
  • doppio_danesi

Product Detail

Many years of research and studies on coffee blends have led Danesi experts to creating a unique product in its class in terms of harmony, quality and extremely sweet flavour. Danesi blend stands out for its special fineness, wherein the African and Brazilian Arabica Coffee confer smoothness and persistence to taste while the Washed Arabica from East Africa and Colombia heightens its long-lasting fullness, delicate notes of cocoa and velvet creaminess.

Product Specification

2000 g / 4,4 lb beans
6 tins
net weight 12 kg

1000 g / 2,2 lb beans
12 valve bags
net weight 12 kg

250 g / 8,75 oz ground
30 bricks
net weight 7,5 kg


Naše kompanije



Rado Group je osnovan 2013. godine od strane gospodina Ivana Abrama iz Italije i gospodina Pavla Pavlovića iz Srbije.

U okviru Rado Group-a posluju Rado-Sun DOO, Sport Land Rado i Villa Rado. Danas, dok smo u velikom usponu i dalje se trudimo da sve više ljudi upozna kvalitet usluga i proizvoda koje nudimo.




Nikole Pašića 9a
34000 Kragujevac, Srbija

Phone: +381 34 354667
Cell: +381 66 354667
Ponedeljak-Petak: 8:00-16:00

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